Melody and Rhythm Combined
When I came across the tongue drum I was hooked the first time I played one. The combination of rhythm and melody that these drums can create is so beautiful. I love playing this type of drum because of its calming sounds and meditative quality. This drum is being used by many people for sound healings and meditations. Whether you are planning on using your tongue drum for pure enjoyment and recreation or for healings, the beauty and joy of playing the tongue drum can be experienced any way you play it.
What I love about the tongue drum the most is how intuitive the playing can be. You don’t really need a drumming background to be able to play this drum, but some of the basic techniques can be helpful to guide your own intuitive rhythms and help make the notes you play sound really good.
I put together several video lessons to share some of the techniques I use when playing the tongue drum. Each lesson covers some of the basics for getting started, like how to hold your mallets, different stroke techniques , warm ups to help with coordination, and how to combine patterns and rhythms to create your own songs.
This lesson shows how the "tongues" on the drum are designed and how to get the best sound out of the drum when you play.
This lesson shows how to hold your mallets and gives tips for finding a grip that gives you the most control and balance when playing.
This lesson shows 4 different stroke techniques for using your mallets to play the tongue drum.
This online course covers some of the fundamentals for learning how to play the tongue drum. Get started with some of the basics and begin creating your own songs today!
The tongue drum has many unique qualities that make it a perfect drum to be used for sound healings, meditations, and space clearings. Learn how to integrate the tongue drum into your own healing practices.
TBD (Coming Soon)
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