"The drum is our teacher. 

We learn from her sounds,

propelled by her rhythms.

The vibrations move through us,

our hearts beat in sync."

Hello, I'm Alexandra Ray!

I'm a drum instructor and rhythm practitioner, who is constantly exploring the intersection of rhythm and nature. I started playing the drums over 20 years ago and have developed an interest in world percussion, exploring how different cultures connect with the rhythms and language of the drum.

I've been a member of several percussion groups and performance ensembles in Georgia, Texas, and Minnesota. I am currently the Director of drumHeart, a women's drum performance group and also teach drum classes and workshops around the Twin Cities.

My current practice integrates the rhythms of the drum with mindfulness and gratitude around nature. I look forward to connecting with others who are also exploring rhythm through drumming.

Connect with me online or at one of my upcoming workshops!

"We live in Rhythm together, we drum in Rhythm together."
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