6 Ways To Use Your Tongue Drum

If you have your own tongue drum then you already know how amazing it is to play this beautiful instrument.

As I've integrated the tongue drum into my own rituals and practices, I've realized that there are several different ways to use this drum for relaxation, healing and pure enjoyment.

I'm sure there are many more than 6 uses, so feel free to share your own experiences and ideas in the comments below!


Use #1

For Fun and Playing with Others

The first and obvious way to use your tongue drum is for pure enjoyment and fun. Playing, just to play, is alway a good reason to pick your tongue drum up and go with the flow.

Once you get comfortable playing on your own, try to play with others. Tongue drum duets or group playing can be so uplifting. Plus, you always learn from playing with others. 

A tip for playing easily with others is to find someone who has a tongue drum with the same scale or a compatible scale that you can harmonize with. For example, B Minor scales sound great with D Major scales!


Use #2

Meditation and Relaxation

The tongue drum is wonderful to play when you want to wind down and relax. I’ve been using mine during meditations and have had some of the deepest meditation experiences while playing my tongue drum.


Use #3

Connecting With Nature

Try taking your tongue drum outside and playing in nature. Explore ways to connect with the trees, plants and animals around you. I love taking my tongue drum down to the river and playing outside to connect with my environment. Playing next to water can also be very peaceful!


Use #4

Chakra Balancing

Did you know that each of your chakra centers are associated with a different note? Most tongue drums have several (if not all) of the notes in the scale that correlate to your chakra centers.

If you want to balance or clear your chakras, try using the tongue drum to help your energy centers open up and flow more freely. 

There are several different note correlations, but the one I resonate with is to start with C for the Root chakra and then go up the scale from there. So C=Root, D=Sacral, E=Solar Plexus, F=Heart, G=Throat, A=Third Eye, B=Crown.


Use #5

Sound Healing

There are a lot of practitioners and healers who use tongue drums for sound healings. The combination of rhythm and melody can help your body and brain relax into deep and powerful states of relaxation. Even better, when you play the tongue drum for others, you are also receiving the healing benefits yourself.


Use #6

Space Clearing

If you notice the energy in a room "feeling off" or stagnant, try using your tongue drum to help clear the space. There are different rituals and steps to take for space clearings, so you can follow the ones you are already familiar with and experiment by adding in the tongue drum as part of the clearing process.

Online Courses

Explore Your Rhythm

Tongue Drum Basics


This online course covers some of the fundamentals for learning how to play the tongue drum. Get started with some of the basics and begin creating your own songs today!



Tongue Drum For Healing


The tongue drum has many unique qualities that make it a perfect drum to be used for sound healings, meditations, and space clearings. Learn how to integrate the tongue drum into your own healing practices.


TBD (Coming Soon)

Explore Your Rhythm!

Connect with others who are exploring rhythm by joining our private Facebook Group!

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How To Play The Tongue Drum
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