20 Ways To Explore Rhythm

How do you explore rhythm?

Your rhythm is the unique expression of yourself. It is a part of your being that feels free, comfortable, familiar, and completely at ease. Being in your rhythm allows you to move through your day and through life in a sacred flow. Everything starts aligning as and the mysteries of life start to unfold before your eyes. When you’re in your true rhythm difficult tasks become easier and challenges you encounter don’t seem as daunting.

Everyone explores their own rhythm differently. What aligns with one person might not connect with another. However, the beauty of this is that when people join together, their rhythms merge and expand into symbiotic cadences. This blending creates fuller and more dynamic rhythms, which in turn creates movement. This is where the dance begins! 

I’ve been fascinated with the study of rhythm and have explored its connection in so many facets of life. I wanted to share a few of the ways I’ve explored and experienced rhythm, knowing that there is more to be added to this list. I invite others to share their own expressions and understanding of rhythm in the comments below.

written by

Alex Connett


Play The Drums

Any drum will work, you just need to be able to feel the beat!



Get your body moving. Dance to your favorite song and feel the groove.



Use your voice and find your flow through singing. Don't worry if you don't think you can sing.


Move Your Body

Any drum will work, you just need to be able to feel the beat!


Breath Work

Get your body moving. Dance to your favorite song and feel the groove.



Sometimes I enjoy meditating while drumming to allow my mind to focus on a steady beat and not wander as much.


Play An Instrument

Other instruments besides the drums are great for learning about rhythm!


Be In Nature

Spend time outside and notice the environment around you. Pay attention to how it changes throughout the seasons.


Listen To Music

Every song has its own rhythm!



Make a meal and be as mindful as you can about each step of the recipe.


Your Body

Tune into your body and listen to what it tells you.


Your Routines

Pay attention to the natural cycles and routines you create for yourself.



Spend time near natural bodies of water and watch how the water moves and flows.



Work with plants, especially ones in the wild. Foraging and learning about plant medicine is great place to start!



Observe animals, especially ones in the wild and notice their habits and how they live throughout the year.



Plant you own food or volunteer at a local farm and tune into how the food changes with the seasons.


The Moon

Observe the moon and it's lunar cycles!


The Sun

Watch the sun rise and set and recognize the magic!


The Seasons

There is a rhythm within the changing seasons. Observe how you change with them.


Your Heart

Feel your heart beat and the rhythm within!


and more...

Comment below with other ideas to add to this list!

Explore Your Rhythm!

Connect with others who are exploring rhythm by joining our private Facebook Group!

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